Molecular Repairs
Cells are made of billions of molecules, each built by molecular machines. These molecules self-assemble to form larger structures, many in dynamic patterns, perpetually disintegrating and reforming. Cell-surgery devices will be
able to make molecules of sorts that may be lacking, while destroying molecules that are damaged or present in excess. They will be able not only to remove viral genes, but to repair chemical and radiation-caused damage to the cell's own genes. Advanced cell surgery devices would be able to repair cells almost regardless of their initial state of damage.By activating and inactivating a cell's genes, they will be able to stimulate cell division and guide what types of cells are formed. This will be a great aid to cell herding and to healing tissues.
As surgeons today rely on the spontaneous, self-organizing ability of cells and tissues to join and heal the parts they manipulate, so cell-surgery devices will rely on the spontaneous self-organizing capabilities of molecules to join and "heal" the parts they put together. Healing of a surgical wound involves sweeping up dead cells, growing new cells, and a slow and genuinely painful process of tissue reorganization. In contrast, the joining of molecules
is almost instantaneous and occurs on a scale far below that of the most sensitive pain receptor. "Healing" will not begin after the repair devices have done their work, as it does in conventional surgery: rather, when they complete their work, the tissue will have been healed.
Healing Body and Limb
The ability to herd cells and to perform molecular repairs and cell surgery will open new vistas for medicine. These abilities apply on a small scale, but their effects can be large scale.Correcting ChemistryIn many diseases, the body as a whole suffers from misregulation of the signaling molecules that travel through
its fluids. Many are rare: Cushing's disease, Grave's disease, Paget's disease, Addison's disease, Conn's syndrome, Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome. Others are common: millions of older women suffer from osteoporosis, the weakening of bones that can accompany lowered estrogen levels.Diabetes kills frequently enough to rank in the top ten causes of death in the United States; the number of individuals known to have it doubles every fifteen years. It is the leading cause of blindness in the United States, with other complications including kidney damage, cataracts, and cardiovascular damage. Today's molecular
medicine tries to solve these troubles by supplying missing molecules: diabetics inject additional insulin. While helpful, this doesn't cure the disease or eliminate all symptoms. In an era of molecular surgery, physicians could
choose instead to repair the defective organ, so it can regulate its own chemicals again, and to readjust the metabolic properties of other cells in the body to match. This would be a true healing, far better than today's partial fix.
Only now are researchers making progress on another frequent problem of metabolic regulation: obesity. Once this was thought to have one simple cause (consuming excess calories) and one main result (greater roundness
than favored by today's aesthetics), but both assumptions proved wrong. Obesity is a serious medical problem,increasing the risk of diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, degenerative diseases of the heart, arteries, and kidneys,
and shortening life expectancy. And the supposed cause, simple overeating, has been shown to be incorrect—something dieters had always suspected, as they watched thinner colleagues gorge and yet gain no weight.
The ability to lay in stores of fat was a great benefit to people once upon a time, when food supplies were irregular, nomadism and marauding bands made food storage difficult and risky, and starvation was a common cause of death. Our bodies are still adapted to that world, and regulate fat reserves accordingly. This is why dieting often has perverse effects. The body, when starved, responds by attempting to build up greater reserves of fat at its next opportunity. The main effect of exercise in weight reduction isn't to burn up calories, but to
signal the body to adapt itself for efficient mobility.
Obesity therefore seems to be a matter of chemical signals within the body, signals to store fat for famine or to become lean for motion. Nanomedicine will be able to regulate these signals in the bloodstream, and to adjust how individual cells respond to them in the body. The latter would even make possible the elusive "spot reduction program" to reshape the distribution of body fat.
Here, as with many potential applications of nanotechnology, the problem may be solved by other means first. Some problems, though, will almost surely require nanomedicine.New Organs and LimbsSo far we've seen how medical nanotechnology would be used in the simpler applications outside tissues—such as in the blood—then inside tissues, and finally inside cells. Consider how these abilities will fit together for victims of automobile and motorcycle accidents.
Nanomanufactured medical devices will be of dramatic value to those who have suffered massive trauma. Take the case of a patient with a crushed or severed spinal cord high in the back or in the neck. The latest research gives hope that when such patients are treated promptly after the injury, paralysis may be at least partially avoidable, sometimes. But those whose injuries weren't treated—including virtually all of today's patients—remain paralyzed. While research continues on a variety of techniques for attempting to aid a spontaneous healing process, prospects for reversing this sort of damage using conventional medicine remain bleak.
With the techniques discussed above, it will become possible to remove scar tissue and to guide cell growth so as to produce healthy arrangements of the cells on a microscopic scale. With the right molecular-scale poking and
prodding of the cell nucleus, even nerve cells of the sorts found in the brain and spinal cord can be induced to divide. Where nerve cells have been destroyed, there need be no shortage of replacements. These technologies will eventually enable medicine to heal damaged spinal cords, reversing paralysis.
The ability to guide cell growth and division and to direct the organization of tissues will be sufficient to regrow entire organs and limbs, not merely to repair what has been damaged. This will enable medicine to restore physical health despite the most grievous injuries.
If this seems hard to believe, recall that medical advances have shocked the world before now. To those in the past, the idea of cutting people open with knives painlessly would have seemed miraculous, but surgical anesthesia is now routine. Likewise with bacterial infections and antibiotics, with the eradication of smallpox, and the vaccine for polio: Each tamed a deadly terror, and each is now half-forgotten history. Our gut sense of what seems likely has little to do with what can and cannot be done by medical technology. It has more to do with our habitual fears, including the fear of vain hopes. Yet what amazes one generation seems obvious and even boring to the next. The first baby born after each breakthrough grows up wondering what all the excitement was about.
Besides, nano-scale medicine won't be a cure-all. Consider a fifty-year-old mentally retarded man, with a mind like a two-year-old's, or a woman with a brain tumor that has spread to the point that her personality has changed: How could they be "healed"? No healing of tissues could replace a missed lifetime of adult experience, nor can it replace lost information from a severely damaged brain. The best physicians could do would be to bring the patients to some physically healthy condition. One can wish for more, but sometimes it won't be
First AidThroughout the centuries, medicine has been constrained to maintain functioning tissues, since once tissues stop functioning, they can't heal themselves. With molecular surgery to carry out the healing directly, medical priorities change drastically—function is no longer absolutely necessary. In fact, a physician able to use molecular surgery would prefer to operate on nonfunctioning, structurally stable tissue than on tissue that has been allowed to continue malfunctioning until its structure was lost.
Brain tumors are an example: They destroy the brain's structure, and with it the patient's skills, memories, and personality. Physicians in the future should be able to immediately interrupt this process, to stop the functioning of the brain to stabilize the patient for treatment.
Techniques available today can stop tissue function while preserving tissue structure. Greg Fahy, in his work on organ preservation at the American Red Cross, is developing a technique for vitrifying animal kidneys—making
them into a low-temperature, crystal-free glass—with the goal of maintaining their structure such that, when brought back to room temperature, they can be transplanted. Some kidneys have been cooled to -30 ?C, warmed back up, and then functioned after transplantation.
A variety of other procedures can also stabilize tissues on a long-term basis. These procedures enable many cells—but not whole tissues—to survive and recover without help; advanced molecular repair and cell surgery will
presumably tip the balance, enabling cells, tissues, and organs to recover and heal. When applied to stabilizing a whole patient, such a condition can be called biostasis. A patient in biostasis can be kept there indefinitely until
the required medical help arrives. So in the future, the question "Can this patient be restored to health?" will be answered "Yes, if the patient's brain is intact, and with it the patient's mind."
Sandra Lee Adamson of the National Space Society has her eyes on distant goals. Some have proposed that travel to the stars would take generations, preventing anyone on Earth from ever making the trip. But she notes that
biostasis will "give hope to some fearless adventurers who will risk suspension and subsequent reanimation so they can see the stars for themselves."
Plague InsuranceMedical nanotechnologies promise to extend healthy life, but if history is any guide, they may also avert sudden massive death. The word plague is rarely heard today, except in relation to AIDS; it calls up visions of the Black Death of the Middle Ages, when one third of Europe died in 1346-50. A virulent influenza struck in 1918, half lost in the news of the First World War: how many of us realize that it killed at least 20 million? People often act as
though plagues were gone for good, as if sanitation and antibiotics had vanquished them. But as doctors are forever telling their patients, antibiotics kill bacteria, but are useless for viruses. The flu, the common cold,
herpes, and AIDS—none has a really effective treatment, because all are caused by viruses. In some African countries, as much as 10 percent of the population is estimated to be infected with the AIDS-causing HIV virus.
Without a cure soon, the steep rise in deaths from AIDS still lies in the future. AIDS stands as a grim reminder that the great plagues of history are not behind us.
The Threat New diseases continue to appear today as they have throughout history. Today's population, far larger than that of any previous century, provides a huge, fertile territory for their spread.
Today's transportation systems can spread viruses from continent to continent in a single day. When ships sailed or churned their way across the seas, an infected passenger was likely to show full-blown disease before arrival,
permitting quarantine. But few diseases can be guaranteed to show themselves in the hours of a single aircraft flight.So far as is known, every species of organism, from bacterium to whale, is afflicted with viruses. Animal viruses
sometimes "jump the species gap" to infect other animals, or people. Most scientists believe that the ancestors of the AIDS virus could, until recently, infect only certain African monkeys. Then these viruses made the interspecies
jump. A similar jump occurred in the 1960s when scientists in West Germany, working with cells from monkeys in Uganda, suddenly fell ill. Dozens were infected, and several died of a disease that caused both blood clots and
bleeding, caused by what is now named the Marburg virus. What if the Marburg virus had spread with a sneeze, like influenza or the common cold?
We think of human plagues as a health problem, but when they hit our fellow species, we tend to see them from an environmental perspective. In the late 1980s, over half the harbor-seal population in large parts of the North
Sea suddenly died, leading many at first to blame pollution. The cause, though, appears to be a distemper virus that made the jump from dogs. Biologists worry that the virus could infect seal species around the world, since distemper virus can spread by aerosols—that is, by coughing—and seals live in close physical contact. So far its mortality rate has been 60 to 70 percent.
What of AIDS itself: Could it change and give rise to a form able to spread, say, as colds do? Nobel Laureate Howard M. Temin has said, "I think that we can very confidently say that this can't happen." Nobel Laureate
Joshua Lederberg, president of Rockefeller University in New York City, replied, "I don't share your confidence about what can and cannot happen." He points out that "there is no reason a great plague could not happen again. . . .We live in evolutionary competition with microbes—bacteria and viruses. There is no guarantee that we will be the survivors."
Our Inadequate AbilitiesBacterial diseases are mostly controllable today. Sanitation limits the ways in which plague can spread. These measures are just good enough to lull us into imagining the problem is solved.
Viruses are common, viruses mutate; some spread through the air, and some are deadly. Plagues show that fast-spreading diseases can be deadly, and effective antiviral drugs are still rare.
The only really effective treatments for viral diseases are preventive, not curative. They work either by preventing exposure, or by exposing the body beforehand to dead or harmless or fragmentary forms of the virus, to prepare
the immune system for future exposure. As the long struggle for an AIDS vaccine shows, one cannot count on modern medicine to identify a new virus and produce an effective vaccine within a single month or year or even a
single decade. But influenza epidemics spread fast, and Marburg II or AIDS II or something entirely new and deadly may do the same.
Doing BetterThe deaths from the next great plague could have begun in a village last week, or could begin next year, or a year before we learn to deal with new viral illnesses promptly and effectively. With luck, the plague will wait until
a year after.Immune machines could be set to kill a new virus as soon as it is identified. The instruments nanotechnology brings will make viral identification easy. Some day, the means will be in place to defend human life against viral
From eliminating viruses to repairing individual cells, improving our control of the molecular world will improve health care. Immune machines working in the bloodstream seem about as complex as some engineering projects human beings have already completed—projects like large satellites. Other medical nanotechnologies seem to be of a higher order of complexity.
On Solving Hard ProblemsSomewhere in the progression from relatively simple immune devices to molecular surgery, we've crossed the fuzzy line between systems that teams of clever biomedical engineers could design in a reasonable length of time and ones that might take decades or prove impossibly complex. Designing a nanomachine capable of entering a cell, reading its DNA, finding and removing a deadly viral DNA sequence, and then restoring the cell to normal would be a monumental job. Such tasks are advanced applications of nanotechnology, far beyond mere computers, manufacturing equipment, and half-witted "smart materials."
To succeed within a reasonable number of years, we may need to automate much of the engineering process, including software engineering. Today's best expert systems are nowhere near sophisticated enough. The software must be able to apply physical principles, engineering rules, and fast computation to generate and test new designs. Call it automated engineering.
Automated engineering will prove useful in advanced nanomedicine because of the sheer number of small problems to be solved. The human body contains hundreds of kinds of cells forming a huge number of tissues and organs. Taken as a whole (and ignoring the immune system), the body contains hundreds of thousands of different kinds of molecules. Performing complex molecular repairs on a damaged cell might require solving millions of separate, repetitive problems. The molecular machinery in cell surgery devices will need to be
controlled by complex software, and it would be best to be able to delegate the task of writing that software to an automated system. Until then, or until a lot of more conventional design work gets done, nanomedicine will have to focus on simpler problems.
AgingWhere does aging fit in the spectrum of difficulty? The deterioration that comes with aging is increasingly recognized as a form of disease, one that weakens the body and makes it susceptible to a host of other diseases.
Aging, in this view, is as natural as smallpox and bubonic plague, and more surely fatal. Unlike bubonic plague, however, aging results from internal malfunctions in the molecular machinery of the body, and a medical
condition with so many different symptoms could be complex.
Surprisingly, substantial progress is being made with present techniques, without even a rudimentary ability to perform cell surgery in a medical context. Some researchers believe that aging is primarily the result of a fairly
small number of regulatory processes, and many of these have already been shown to be alterable. If so, aging may be tackled successfully before even simple cell repair is available. But the human aging process is not well
enough understood to enable a confident projection of this; for example, the number of regulatory processes is not yet known. A thorough solution may well require advanced nanotechnology-based medicine, but a thorough solution seems possible. The result would not be immortality, just much longer, healthier lives for those who want them.
Restoring SpeciesA challenging problem related to medicine (and to biostasis) is that of species restoration. Today, researchers are carefully preserving samples from species now becoming extinct. In some cases, all they have are tissue samples. For other species, they've been able to save germ cells in the hope that they will be able to implant fertilized eggs into related species and thus bring the (nearly?) extinct species back.Each cell typically contains the organism's complete genetic information, but what can be done with this? Many researchers today collect samples for preservation thinking only of the implantation scenario: one that they know has already been made to work. Other researchers are taking a broader view: the Center for Genetic Resources
and Heritage at the University of Queensland is a leader in the effort. Daryl Edmondson, coordinator of the gene library, explains that the center is unique because it will "actively collect data. Most other libraries simply collate
their own collections." Director John Mattick describes it as a "genetic Louvre" and points out that if genes from today's endangered species aren't preserved, "subsequent generations will see we had the technology to keep
[DNA] software and will ask why we didn't do it." With this information and the sorts of molecular repair and cell-surgery capabilities we have discussed, lost species can someday be returned to active life again as habitats are restored.
One such center isn't enough: the Queensland center focuses on Australian species (naturally enough) and has limited funds. Besides, anything so precious as the genetic information of an endangered species should be stored
in many separate locations for safety. We need to take out an insurance policy on Earth's genetic diversity with a broader network of genetic libraries, concentrating special attention on gathering biological samples from the fast
-disappearing rain forests. Scientific study can wait: the urgency of the situation calls for a vacuum-cleaner approach. The Foresight Institute is promoting this effort through its BioArchive Project; interested readers can
write to the address at the end of the Afterword.
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